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Showing posts from February 6, 2022

Reality and Perception Different angles to look for

 Perception is that gap which is between what is reality and what is a created reality. Perception is one of the driving factors in people’s lives. Psychologically perception is a process of recognizing and interpreting the sensory stimuli. This cognitive process and unique interpretation is the most complex of all processes. There are several factors that govern a person’s perception for a situation or for another person. These are not always true for that situation but just a way of receiving, organizing and interpreting it by people. What are those factors that rule one’s senses while he/she creates an opinion about something or someone? <br/> There are these three broad categories that dominate the perceptual process:<br/> a. Perceiver – Someone who is sensing a particular situation or stimuli.<br/> b. Setting (background) – the place or the background where a particular situation is happening.<br/> c. Perceived – The ta