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Showing posts from July 10, 2022

Health Mind and Importance of Health

 I remember that unusual evening when due to thunderstorm and heavy rains there happened a power cut all around the city, which is a rare sight in a metropolitan and the entire city had come to a slowdown, with power backups running here and there, but not everywhere. As they say every negative incident surely has some positive impact on one’s life and that precisely what happened on the other day, we a nuclear family of just four sat to gather after years of globalization that took place in early 2000, with no gadgets in hands and no laptops switched on to sustain our livelihood. That day we got a happy realization that life has become a race to earn money and maintain a status, with no or least importance to, giving it, a quality. Families live under one roof but they don’t hold conversations with each other and eventually they sink into a strange world of machines and smart devices leading them into many diseases, most common of it, is depression. Darwin’s theory of survival of the